This Game is Experienced Better in Fullscreen (Lower-Right Button in Frame)

This is an experimental visual novel about the life of a sentient squid-like creature in their watery home. There are no items, no significant decisions, just an experience that you are welcome to explore, which is a departure from my usual style of games.

This game came about because of the book "Make Your Own Twine Games!" by Anna Anthropy, that I borrowed on a whim at my public library. It's a book for kids to get into game dev, but it was far enough outside my usual comfort zone of games I gave it a go; this is the result!

The original idea for the setting came from an art project of mine a few years ago, where I was learning to make an 8-page foldable mini "zine", and I illustrated a short comic about sentient squid in just a few small panels. The images from this are attached as screenshots on this page on the right.

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